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by journalists4mumia
Desc :This is part 1/2 of an edited video of a press conference held on 12/04/07 in Philadelphia, that was organized by Journalists for Mumia Abu-Jamal. While largely a response to the new book "Murdered By Mumia" written by Maureen Faulkner and Michael Smerconish, the press conference was also used to present the new crime scene photos which were discovered in 2006 by German author Michael Schiffmann (co-founder of Journalists for Mumia) while working on his new book "Race Against Death". This is an edited version, but the full version can also be viewed here: The panelists, in order of appearance were: Hans Bennett, David A. Love, Dave Lindorff, Linn Washington Jr., and Pam Africa. This PART ONE segment features Hans Bennett, David A. Love, and Dave Lindorff. Two days later, NBC's Today Show would spotlight the newly discovered photos on their segment about "Murdered By Mumia," viewable here: Also, be sure to read the Dec. 4 Reuters article about the press conference: For more information about the press conference, including complete audio, please visit: (less)

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