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  Oscar Grant Clearest Video Of Shooting - LETS NEVER LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN!
  If you walk around the streets thinking you are safe because your are a law abiding citizen, THINK AGAIN!! any number of situations can arise where you come in contact with the police through no fault of your own, even if you are someone who came to help. ... (Source: Youtube)
  Who is Alex Sanchez? Part 1
  Find out who Alex Sanchez Length:1:24
  Frente de Luta pelo Transporte e Joao Batista Nunes, Audi?ncia P?blica
  A Frente de Luta pelo Transporte, de Florianopolis, chama o secret?rio de transportes Jo?o Batista Nunes para uma audi?ncia p?blica em que apresenta sua pauta de reinvidica??es.
  Frente de Luta pelo Transporte e Joao Batista Nunes, Audi?ncia P?blica
  A Frente de Luta pelo Transporte, de Florianopolis, chama o secret?rio de transportes Jo?o Batista Nunes para uma audi?ncia p?blica em que apresenta sua pauta de reinvidica??es.
  MTD-RJ - Mutir?o de Limpeza na Ocupa??o Guerreiros do 510
  MTD-RJ - Tentativa de despejo da ocupa??o Guerreiros do 510
  Situada na rua Gomes Freire, bairro da Lapa e batizada pelos moradores de Ocupa??o Guerreiros do 510, um antigo pr?dio garagem abandonado ? ocupado e serve de moradia para diversas fam?lias. No in?cio de 2009, um novo prefeito assume. Eduardo Paes adverte os pobres com o que chama de Choque de Ordem. A advert?ncia vira amea?a dia 8 de janeiro.
  Comunidade L?rio dos Vales, em Franco da Rocha (SP), assediada pelos bombeiros locais que pretendem o terreno.
  Manifesta??o pedindo justi?a ap?s o assassinato de Kuku (14 anos) por um agente da pol?cia num bairro perif?rico de Lisboa.
  Fernanda's fight for justice
  [by mikenyce] Fernanda Gonzalez has a son that was slain right in front of her on nov.20th 2003. She witnessed the murder but yet no justice has swung her way. Watch as she battles with the powers that be in the search for justice.
  12/18 Student Occupation at New School University, New York
  [by rvmedia] Video footage from student occupation at New School University at New York City. The video took from noon 12/18, shows there is now a large crowd occupying the outside of the occupation building chanting "let them in" as students continue to hold the occupation inside. Furthermore, the students have received a copy of a letter sent by President Bob Kerrey to the media where he claims that students assaulted security guards and have created a "security threat" at the university. His letter is full of outright lies and distortions, and only serves to further confirm the unilateral and unaccountable decision-making of President Bob Kerrey. The students encourage the public to watch and decide exactly who is using force against whom! For more information:
  ICE Raids in San Rafael 2008
  Footage of ICE Raids happening in California.
  Walk Against Rape 2007
  [6:40 min by: sf war staff] The goal of Walk Against Rape is to empower survivors, their friends, families and supporters, to break the silence by walking together on the streets against rape, and declare that San Francisco will not tolerate sexual violence.
  How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria's?
  Against the Grain: An Artist's Survival Guide to Perú
  Is freedom of expression a right or a privilege? Four Peruvian visual artists defy tyranny and ignite change, challenging ordinary people to speak out.
  Daughters of gardeners
  Thirty-six million women are missing in India. The economic burden of dowries and the ancestral preference for boys make the birth of a daughter a shameful event. Ultrasound tests and abortions, medical acts which were supposed to represent progress for women, are instead being used against them. Daughters of gardeners, is a deeply moving and profoundly human documentary; an investigation of States where aborting girls has become a very profitable industry. This one-hour film follows the journey of a young Canadian journalist, in her quest to understand and document this demographic crisis, as well as its disastrous consequences on the entire Indian society; the inability of men to find wives; the increase in prostitution; the worsening AIDS pandemic; the kidnapping and trafficking of women; the advent of illicit marriages, etc. Unexpectedly poetic images for such a subject succeed in capturing the human element behind a reality that nonetheless appears quite inhumane.
  THIRD WARD TX trailer
  [1:13 min] One-minute trailer for the documentary THIRD WARD TX about a group of African American artists who create Project Row Houses and breathe new life in their left-for-dead Houston neighborhood. But art, life, and real estate collide when deep-pocket developers arrive. Project Row Houses’ unexpected response offers new, creative solutions.
  This award-winning documentary tells the story of three talented b-boys struggling to keep dance at the center of their lives. Screening at the 2008 New Orleans International Human Rights Festival.

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